All classes are $195 (unless otherwise noted) cash or check. A 3.1% convenience fee is charged to pay by credit card. These prices are PRETAX- 7% RI Sales Tax is charged at checkout. All dates listed are the start dates for each class which runs for 6 weeks (same day and time as the start date). 72 hrs cancellation notice is required for a refund OR to transfer payment to another class.
All of our group classes are closed groups- meaning they have a start and end date. We purposely do not run rolling group classes because of the nature of dogs, and people. A closed group allows everyone to get know each other (no new dogs or humans popping in every week disrupting everyone), become more comfortable in their environment, and build friendships with each other- all of which provides a better learning environment for everyone.
Looking to build your bond and have better communication with your dog? Rally for Fun! is a 4 week long class. Where you and your dog will have fun weaving through cones and going over jumps all the while strengthening commands such as recall, stay and down. This 4 week session will cover all level 1 Rally commands.
SIGNUP: Thurs May 8th 5:45pm
SIGNUP: Sat June 28th 1:30pm
6 week one hour class. Intro to Agility! is a fun and engaging class that involves a series of obstacles such as: tunnels, weave poles, jumps and a-frames.
*This class is great for: Senior dogs, puppies & big breeds!
* Improves physical fitness and coordination.
*Provides mental stimulation
*Builds confidence
*Strengthens bond between handler and dog.
SIGN-UP: Tues May 27th 5:45pm
6 week one hour class. Agility for Fun! is about enjoying play time with your dog while challenging them on agility obstacles such as the A-Frame, tunnels, weave poles, etc. This class will help to socialize dogs and build their confidence.
SIGNUP: Sat June 14th 10am
Trick Training classes now include the AKC Novice Trick Dog Certification! Want to teach your furry friend to shake hands, balance on a beam, jump through hoops, spin, crawl, and just have a blast? This is the perfect class for you! Trick Training is a fun-filled 6-week adventure.
All the fun of Agility but on an inside course. This is a 6 week class, 1 hour per week. This class will help build your dogs confidence, challenge them mentally and physically while tiring them out!
6 week one hour class.
This class is a combination of fun tricks, agility, doggie dancing and nose fun. Designed to work your dogs mind, body and spirit.
6 week class one hour class.
Release the hound in your dog and let them put their noses to work! This class will teach your dog to search for cellphones, keys, people, and any other items you need found.
4 week class to help children learn to interact appropriately with their dog. For kids ages 6-13yrs. They will learn how to communicate with their dog by using TONES & ACTIONS and by being a good leader. Learning commands such as, Sit, Down, LLW, Park it and more. All while having fun with games and learning tricks!
PARENTS MUST ACCOMPANY CHILDREN but will be off to the side.
PRE-REQUISTE: Puppy Manners or Beginner Obedience
COST: $130 (PLUS TAX) Cash or Check
This class is an hour long lesson on basic grooming methods and upkeep for your dog. We go over correct brushes/combs and how to use them, different coat types, clipping nails, cleaning ears, brushing teeth etc. If you have any questions or would just like some knowledge on how to care for your dogs hygiene, sign up!
$20 cash/ck(plus tax)
If you are interested please add your name to our WAIT LIST
Have you ever wanted to teach your dog how to communicate in words? They may be barking because they are hungry, want to go outside, have a drink of water, or play with a toy. This class will teach them to press a button that says what they want in YOUR voice!
6 week one hour class.
Price: $215 (plus RI tax) cash or check/ 3.1% fee for credit card payment
Patience Inspired Dog Training (401) 862-6740 Pawtuxet Farm, Coventry, RI
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